Bank of HollandFiserv Solutions, Inc.FREE In Google Play
Bank of HollandFiserv Solutions, Inc.FREE In Google Play
Bank of HollandFiserv Solutions, Inc.FREE In App Store
Bank of HollandFiserv Solutions, Inc.FREE In App Store

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation FDIC Insured - Backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.

Contact Us

If we've learned anything in the nearly 120 years of banking in Western New York, it's that listening to our customers makes us better...and stronger.


Lost or Stolen Card

If you suspect your Bank of Holland credit or debit card is lost, stolen, or otherwise compromised, please report it immediately. These numbers are open 24/7:

24/7 Card Care Center

 MasterMoney Debit Card: 1-833-357-0004

Services provided:

  • Transaction Inquires
  • PIN counter resets
  • CardValet support
  • Damaged card replacements
  • PIN reissue via mailer
  • Temporary Limit increases

Debit Card Activation or Pin Change

To activate your Bank of Holland debit card or change your debit card pin number please use the following number:


Please contact us with your questions, comments, concerns, and kudos using the convenient online form below and we'll respond promptly. Or reach us at either of our branches during business hours.

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